the thaw


Wednesday, August 23

show this friday

we have a show this friday 25th at the sandringham hotel which is on 387 king st newtown.

it starts at 8pm and we're playing with the hard-ons and i heart hiroshima.

tickets are $15 so come only if you want to see all three bands.

we'll be on first, so come early if you want to catch us.

Monday, August 14



remember that time we went to melb? and played that rad gig with sabot and ni-hao and baseball?? no? well luckily for you it's been immortalised in a dvd which is available for purchase from us for a measly $10.

you can watch all these bands slaying and us getting up there making noise (not quite as exciting...). check it out :o)

xxx kat

Wednesday, August 2

hell yeah!

hello! two awesome bands from melbourne are coming our way soon. and we are playing with them. you should come!

here's deets:
* the thaw (fairfield train stn) / radiant city (melb) / rhythm bell (melb)
* sat 19th aug @ yvonne ruve, 8pm
* $6 - $10

hopefully our tapes will be ready by then (i know, sorry)

x steph

ps: SY show was brilliant!!!

pps: mark (qatar one) and friends - we're real sorry that you missed our set at the gaelic club. seems as though the gaelic club people decided to kick us all out early because they weren't raking in enough money via alcohol sales to deem it worthwhile to keep the place open til the agreed time. it would've been nice if they had told us this a little earlier in the night so that we weren't told at the last minute that we had 15 minutes to set up and play (some shuffling could've been done, some in-btwn band times shortened, etc) - ridiculous! sorry for all the people who were disappointed with this!!! this is yet another incident further confirming our convictions about the terrible way in which some pub venues go about their business.

dear the gaelic club: you sucked a lot on friday. we hope you don't do this to any other bands in the future.

dear yvonne ruve crew: good luck with the bill!!!